“I no longer have any intention of sacrificing my life, my time, my freedom and the adolescence of my daughters, as well as their right to study properly, for those who refuse to be vaccinated. This time you stay at home, not us."
- quote attributed to French president Emmanuel Macron
If you spend time on social media, you've probably noticed that your nice liberal friends aren't so nice anymore. People with advanced degrees - professors, even - are posting memes that hark back to the old biker t-shirt that read: "Kill 'em all: Let God sort 'em out."
It's been a year-and-a-half since Covid hit, and with more than 30 percent of the country's citizens still refusing vaccines, the people once called snowflakes have had enough. They're buying guns. And they're no longer tying themselves in knots trying to "understand" Trump voters.
Except for these (alleged) snowflakes, it's Darwin who'll sort 'em out, natch.

While countries like Indonesia and Niger fight over inadequate stores of sub-standard vaccine formulations in the U.S. Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are racing past their shelf life and about to go to waste.
That could be why columnist Max Boot, once a conservative with libertarian tendencies and now a non-denominational gadfly, just called for mandatory vaccinations, citing alarming statistics about a deepening divide between vaxed and non-vaxed that mirrors the country's political grief: "Over 99 percent of Covid-19 deaths in June were among the unvaccinated. Yet even as evidence grows that vaccines are safe and effective, resistance to them is also growing. A recent Post-ABC News poll found that 29 percent of Americans said they were unlikely to get vaccinated — up from 24 percent three months earlier. Only 59 percent of adults are fully vaccinated."
In France, where the Enlightenment still matters and citizens aren't heavily armed, Macron has said ça suffit! People who do not get vaccinated will no longer be able to go to restaurants, cafes, cinemas, and museums and get on airplanes or trains. Apparently he didn't actually make the impassioned-sounding statement above (retweeted 6,000 times) but, hey, it's what we all feel now, isn't it?
What Macron really did was crack down - hard - on unvaccinated people, requiring Covid tests for many activities. It's no free ride: a PCR test will cost 49 euros and an antigen test is 29. Medical personnel and those who work in contact with vulnerable people must be vaccinated. Beginning September 15, a nurse who has refused to be vaccinated will no longer be able to go to work and receive a salary.
Tant pis, baby!
Americans of the alleged snowflake persuasion applauded Macron's bold move, while supposed he-men quaked in their boots.

“We cannot make those who have the civic sense to get vaccinated bear the burden of inconvenience. The restrictions will weigh on others, those who for reasons incomprehensible in the country of Louis Pasteur, science and the Enlightenment still hesitate to use the only weapon available against the pandemic, the vaccine. I am aware of what I am asking you, and I know that you are ready for this commitment. This is, in a sense, part of your sense of duty."
Did Macron actually say this one? Unclear, but either way, d'accord!
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Brian's Franglais Playlist
Vaccination ::: Neba Solo
Paris Blues ::: Terry Callier
Paris Muy Bien ::: Yusa
Paris Tu N’as Pas Change’ ::: Jean Sablon
France ::: Keb Mo
Tu Disais Que Tu M’avais ::: Roy Eldridge
Paris Blues ::: Milt Jackson
Ain’t No Flies On Me ::: Roy Eldridge